
How to install the linux port of Xbox Media Center

The xbox media center is an awesome media center app. And now it runs on Linux. Though their website doesn't make it sound promising, it actually works almost perfectly. Follow the instructions below to get it working under Feisty Fawn:

  1. Check out the source using these instructions, but don't run build.sh yet.
  2. Go to the /media/fonts folder inside your XBMC folder you just checked out.
  3. Change the "arial.ttf" file to "FrankophilSans.ttf"
  4. Continue with instructions, using the build.sh script method.
  5. After launching, to go to full screen, use the "\" (not "/") key.
Have fun!

Now here's a video of what you get:


Another month in Austria

Well, I'm back in Austria for a month. I'm visiting my girlfriend here. We've watched a lot of movies, and installed Ubuntu on her computer, and gone hiking, and eaten lots of her mother's amazing food, all the while speaking a mix of German and English.

I have some photos taken on our hike today for your enjoyment! You might be able to use some of them as wallpapers if you want.